Gravel Cycling - Whitewater Pisgah

Gravel Cycling

Western North Carolina offers a vast network of forest service roads and trails with significant elevation to comprise one of the most iconic cycling destinations in the world. Riders are in for sustained climbing, winding switchbacks, and long descents along hundreds of miles of gravel within Pisgah National Forest, Bent Creek Experimental Forest, and DuPont State Forest.

Explore hundreds of miles of forest service roads and single track trail cross more than half a million acres. The Pisgah Ranger District provides connection points to Bent Creek Experimental Forest and the Blue Ridge Parkway. More gravel routes are waiting to be discovered around Linville Gorge, Maggie Valley, and DuPont State Forest, among many other destinations.

Check out more gravel riding resources at Gravelmap.


Select routes and segments for gravel rides and access information

Points of Interest

Brevard/Mills River Loop

Distance: 65.4 Miles (Loop)

Ascent: +8,018′

Bent Creek Gap Road

Distance: 15 Miles (Loop)

Ascent: +2,418′

Terms of Use: Should you choose to engage in the activities described herein, do so at your own risk. The information found on this site is a planning resource to be used as a point of inspiration in conjunction with your own due diligence. U.S. National Whitewater Center, Inc., its partners, associates, service providers, and contributors are in no way liable for personal injury, damage to personal property, or any other such situation that might happen to individuals while participating in any activity.